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Ascend Consciousness: PERMASHIFT to your desired reality INSTANTLY

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Ascend Consciousness: PERMASHIFT to your desired reality INSTANTLY

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Welcome to a VIP PREMIUM subliminal audio experience

This is an exclusive subliminal that takes reality shifting to another level! It will trigger a PERMASHIFT in your subconscious mind that instantly transports you to your desired reality.

You won't ever go back to the old reality, you will permanently remain in the reality you scripted for or imagined.

This is carefully designed to implant desired affirmations deep into your subconscious. There is absolutely nothing to fear about PERMASHIFTING subliminals. This one is 100% safe and ensures you'll be happy and healthy once you've shifted. Permashifting does not mean leaving everything behind, it just means transurfing to a better/desired version of reality.

Quickly reprogram your mind in order to permashift reality! For both men and women.

✧ this is the most powerful, intense, vigorous, rigorous, potent, earth shattering reality shifting subliminal ever made

✧ this is the fastest working reality shifting subliminal ever made

✧ less than one listen of this subliminal has already shifted you to your DR (desired reality)

✧ in less than one listen of this subliminal, you have already permanently arrived in your DR

✧ in less than one listen of this subliminal, you have been forced to immediately arrive in your DR

✧ less than one listen of this subliminal triggers an instant, immediate, rapid shift to your DR

✧ less than one listen of this subliminal triggers your subconscious to print out your exact DR

✧ your subconscious reacts to less than one listen of this subliminal by shifting you instantly to your DR

✧ your subconscious has been fully, completely, tremendously, absolutely programmed to make you shift to your DR in less than one listen of this subliminal

✧ you have permashifted to your DR

✧ you are immune to coming back to the OR (old reality)

✧ you are immune to permashifting anywhere but the DR

✧ Everything on your script and more applies to the DR

✧ you shifted easily to your DR, you didn't even have to lift a finger

✧ you shifted instantly to your DR, the experience isn't worth remembering since it was so seamless and expected

✧ the shifting process went perfectly and you barely noticed it happening because you made it to your DR in the blink of an eye

✧ the shifting process occurred immediately

✧ you are a master permashifter

✧ you quickly shifted to your DR

✧ you are currently in your DR

✧ you are living your best, most ideal life in your DR

✧ right now, you are fully experiencing everything in your DR that you scripted and more

✧ right now, you are fully experiencing everything in your DR better than you scripted it to be

✧ right now, you are fully immersed in your DR, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

✧ right now, you fully physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually experience all parts of your DR

✧ right now, you feel all of your surroundings in your DR

✧ right now, you are fully conscious of permanently being in your DR

By listening to this affirmation audio, your subconscious mind will print out your exact desired reality. This works strongly no matter your age, gender, or nationality. The effect of it will be the one you want. I carefully craft my subliminals in a way so that the listener will quickly achieve the exact results they want.

Relax and let the sounds of rain and nature soothe you as your subconscious soaks in the inaudible affirmations layered underneath. You will only need to listen once per day.

⚠ DISCLAIMER: This product is digital, it will not be mailed to you. You do not need to pay for shipping. You will receive a digital audio file of this subliminal audio once purchased. My audios do not substitute any medical advice or treatment

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